Shaggy Doo Beats and the Jazzcateers

Shaggy Doo Beats at LaBoheme Monday night.

Charles Crompton is a character just like his alter ego Shaggy Doo Beats B.O.P. (Bachelor of Poetry), a professional performance poet born in Adelaide, South Australia. Indeed so much of a character that he has created his own unique spoken word flavour which is known as Bunknik.

So what is Bunknik? It’s a combination of 50’s beat and 70’s funk. It’s a reinterpretation of the beatnik legacy which has been updated as we’re all living in the here and now. Laced with humour Charles throws himself into the spoken word arena protected by Shaggy Doo Beats, a raconteur, an MC for all occasions! Shaggy has MC’d at events like the Big Day Out, Come Out, Carclew’s Off the Couch, Adelaide Fringe Festivals and his legend was born at Adelaide’s Cargo Club after hosting 177 Monday night shows of live poetry and jazz nights in a row. Yay.

So now he’s teamed up with The Jazzcateers, a jazz trio led by local sax legend Chris Soole featuring upright double bass and drums.

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