Capril – are you cape-able ?



Originally Capril was a collaboration of listeners and the three hosts of the Triple M radio show Get This, which was Tony Martin, Ed Kavalee and Richard Marsland. Listeners, guests and hosts were encouraged to wear capes during everyday activities throughout April and send in photos as proof. Since the axing of this radio program Capril (Cape April) has become much more than just some silly fun. The beloved Richard Marsland passed away due to severe depression, and in honour of his memory, his fans, loved ones and colleagues have come together each year since to remember him in a special way. Capril has taken on a life of its own; it is now about raising awareness of depression in society.

Richard’s death was a great shock that became amplified throughout the entertainment industry- from his old work colleagues to the many listeners that had him as a  part of their every day lives for years. We were all devastated. Since Richard’s death, we have thought long and hard, and decided that the best way to honour his memory and draw attention to the depression that took him from us, was to have Capril continue each year as an event that helps to raise awareness of this disabling illness that needs treatment.

In 2009 Angus McLaren took the mantle from Get This and turned Capril into an annual event. Now in 2010 Angus has the support of Megan Orrin and Bernadette Young in helping to organise and run Capril. This year will be the fourth year that Capril has run.

Participants of Capril are encouraged to wear capes during everyday activities. This will raise awareness and hopefully the general public will make a donation in support of beyondblue: the national depression and anxiety initiative. We also encourage participants to provide photographic evidence of the average day-to-day mundane tasks you get up to while wearing your cape. If people ask you what it’s all about then tell them. Depression is a serious illness and if people get the right treatment, they can recover. By participating you will encourage people to talk about it and hopefully make people’s days brighter when they smile at your fashion statement.

For more information on Capril and our goals please feel free to contact Megan Orrin or Angus McLaren via

Capril – Proudly supporting beyondblue: the national depression and anxiety initiative.


the above information was taken from


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